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One of core advantages in CORMENTIS Data Replicator products is its patent-pending technologies: CORMENTISUpdate™, CORMENTISStream™, CORMENTISSync™ and CORMENTISDelta™. These technologies enable the CORMENTIS Data Replicator products to transfer big data over the WAN and Cloud in high speed and a reduced cost and time when comparing with other data transfer products.

For example, CORMENTISUpdate™ was invented to optimize the process of end-to-end big data transfer over the network. This technology is based on a novel differential compression scheme Iterative Differential Compression (IDC). The other schemes are Local Differential Compression (LDC) and Remote Differential Compression (RDC).

When transferring huge amount of files from a source to destination, CORMENTISUpdate™ has the following capabilities:
CORMENTISUpdate™ vs. RDC (RSync):
Unlike remote differential compression (RDC) technologies such as RSYNC, CORMENTISUpdate™ with IDC scheme decouples the whole process of incremental file transfer into three sequential steps:
  1. Generates files differences and create delta package.
  2. Transfers data over network.
  3. Reconstructs transferred data into the original files.

The decoupling capability enables file transfer applications with two options: The first option makes the file transfer task manageable and cost effective when comparing with RDC scheme.

Furthermore, unlike local differential compression (LDC) scheme that requires the presence of both versions of files at the source when generating difference, IDC scheme is able to do in-place differencing that only requires the new version and some meta data of the older one. The in-place differencing capability makes the task of incremental update of big data over network more cost effective in terms of storage space and the size of data transfer.

To conclude, CORMENTISUpdate™, an IDC technology, has advantages over traditional LDC, which is much more costly in storage space, and RDC, which cannot separate three steps so that both end-to-end processing time and transfer time are much longer.